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Reduce shortsightedness: Orthokeratology

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reduce shortsightedness

On the prestigeJournal of Ophtalmology it has been recently published a meta-analysis  that shows the effectiveness and acceptability of this contactologic practice as a treatment of slowing down of shortsightedness progression.

Two researchers of our Country contributed to this work :Giacomo Savini,ophtalmologist of Fondazione Bietti in Rome, and Antonio Calossi, optometrist of University of  Florence.Their presence, in sucha a study , gives testimony of the excellence level of Italian research realized in this field.

Meta-analysis is a work of statistic analysis of scientific literature , that allows to collect data published during different studies on the same topic to the aim of reaching a result synthesis. In this case the meta anlysis has been carried out on eight studies, that involved 769 kids of medium age of 10 years , followed for at least two years. In kids treated with orthokeratology, the progression of ocular bulb elongation decreased for about 50% and the dropout rate ,has been similar to those of control group, showing that orthokeratology, besides being effective, it is also fully acceptable for the young bearers.

As Calossi points out,in the analyzed studies no cases of serious complications that could have left permanent damages to eye or sight, have been reported. "By a correct instruction in the kids and families and respecting a correct ckecking program, the use of lenses for night orthokeratology is safe as conventional contattology, by the way the risks are never void and it is fundamental to be extremely vigilant- underlines Carossi- the key to provide an effective and sure orthokeratology treatmentis the cooperation between professionists involved in this procedure, doctors and technicians, specialized and constantly updated in this field, to be capable of following the highest porofessional standards."


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