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Let's take care of our eyes

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care of your eyes

Eyes cure is a part of a delimited subject and it is referred to a specific ophthalmologic cure combined with expedients of natural origin: it is in fact one of the organ that is most affected by modern lifestyle habits, and gradual loss of sight involves an increasing number of people , included kids of low age.

Human eye has an high specialized structure, made of a cartilaginous, epithelial, nervous and muscle tissue: its fundamental use is sight, a complex process of which function it is still completely unknown and that allows us to perceive the world around us..

Considered that man has given, in general, a priority to sight, with respect to other senses, it is easy to understand how we soon worry about it, when we have problems with our eyes. Unfortunately once again we fall into trap and consider eyes care something independent with respect to the rest of body.

Generally speaking, a good sight depends from the process of accommodation, that consists of changing of focus lens by ciliate muscles and that allows focusing of objects, according to their dimension and distance.

So, sight depends from changing of bending and flexibility of crystalline: this small lens situated at the bottom of the eye “catches” the images from external world and send them to the brain. If it is clear and elastic and if nerves, muscles and ligaments of eye function in a correct way, sight is good and will remain good until these conditions will last. Sight is weakened if these conditions get worse.


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